Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Reiki & Keeping it Simple With Bath Soaks

Happy New Year! Nearly everyone I've spoken to is relieved to bid farewell to last year and welcome the vibrant and renewed energy of 2011. As we continue to spiritually evolve, we seek faster, better, simpler ways of be-ing so we can enjoy serenity and clarity of thought. Simplicity is undoubtedly the order of the day. Reiki fits snugly into the new paradigm of keeping it simple. The energy needs only to be beckoned and it will appear, ready to serve.

My favorite time of day is bath time. Morning, noon or night ... it doesn't matter. The healing power and ancient wisdom of water washes away fears and invites a deeper understanding of our connection to a greater source of love and energy.  The occasional bathing experience with candles, oils, bubbles and soft music is a rare treat in my very busy day. However, a Reiki charged bath combined with a single-ingredient soak never fails to energize and center even the most harried spirit.

The use of Reiki is usually passed down from Reiki Master Teacher to student in a 1-2 day workshop which culminates into an initiation. Anyone with at least a first degree Reiki attunement can use these methods to create a soothing, relaxing, rejuvenating and empowering bath.  Even if you're not Reiki certified, the soaks are still incredibly quick, simple and effective.

If you are Reiki-certified, draw Cho-Ku-Rei, Sei Hei Ki or Harth on your bath spicket or in the water to charge your bath with healing, relaxing Reiki energy. Set your intention as desired and add one of these single-ingredient soaks for an amplified healing experience. Non-certified bathers can skip the symbol and just add an ingredient to enjoy the curative properties of each.

  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of cold-pressed coconut oil to leave your skin soft and moist.
  • 2 tablespoons of lavender buds or flower petals add luxury and sensuality to any bath.
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of freshly grated ginger makes a perfect pick-me-up, plus it relieves cold & flu symptoms.
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar is a great way to combat itchy skin.
  • Fresh cut orange and lemon slices create a natural exfoliate in the bath, leaving your skin dewey and rejuvenated.
If you're interested in learning Reiki, visit my Web site for upcoming classes.  Happy bathing!


  1. When I charge the bath water, it feels like the water supports and holds my body. It somehow becomes thicker. The vibration flows through my skin and I completely relax....sigh what a wonderful feeling :)

  2. " feels like the water supports and holds my body." CTsweetie01, What a beautiful way to describe the loving feeling of Reiki energy in a soothing bath. Thanks for sharing.
