Saturday, December 25, 2010

Reiki for Dr. Mom

Reiki is gentle, loving and effective as a complementary healing therapy. Universal life force energy (sometimes called chi, qi or prana) is always accessible and ready to aid in our healing process. If you're a Mom who wants to feel more in control of your child(ren) and family's health, consider adding Reiki to your healing arsenal as part of a self-care regimen, or you may wish to become a certified Reiki practitioner.

Reiki treatments can be tremendously relaxing and beneficial for people on the go. Sessions serve as dedicated "me" time. The benefits of slowing your mind and opening your heart are far reaching and long lasting. Stress relief, emotional release, restful sleep, improved focus and concentration, faster healing and clearer thinking are just a few benefits of Reiki. Some clients have reported lower blood pressure after several sessions. Because Reiki initiates an energetic and physical purging, it aids in the removal of waste from the body that may be the result of prescription drugs and poor dietary choices. Scheduling a Reiki therapy session is never a problem since they can take place either in person (hands-on) or from a distance. Adding Reiki to your self-care program will yield phenomenal results and greatly enhance your quality of life.

Learning to use Reiki for self healing and to help your family and friends is quick and easy. First degree or level I Reiki classes usually take place over two days. A sample course outline may include:
  • What Reiki is
  • Uses and benefits of Reiki
  • Reiki Precepts & Principles
  • A History of Reiki
  • How to ground & protect yourself
  • Hand positions for self treatment
  • Hand positions for treating others
  • How to conduct a Reiki session
First degree Reiki training will prepare you to use Reiki for self healing and certify you to heal others free of charge. The attunement/initiation activates your ability to serve as a healing conduit using pure energy from the universe. This level of training is perfect for Dr. Mom to develop and hone techniques for self-healing and healing others around her, free of charge. Reiki can place a great deal of control in the hands of the family caregiver. Empowered with the knowledge of Reiki, you can help yourself, your children, your family members and friends by:

  • calming hyperactive children
  • stemming feelings of anger and frustration in children and adults
  • encouraging deep relaxation and improved sleep
  • easing anxiety and stress for yourself and those around you
  • reducing pain and inflammation
  • relieving agitation and anxiety for yourself and others during times of stress
  • bringing comfort to the elderly
  • building confidence in children
  • relieving pain and discomfort from illness and injury
  • eliminating feelings of fear and uncertainty
  • improving self-confidence
  • calming and focusing your own mind in times of emergency
  • increasing your intuition
  • helping and healing yourself, loved ones, friend, pets and plants
From the little league field to at home use, Reiki will help Dr. Mom maintain calm and control over the many challenges that arise in day-to-day life. Click here to learn how you can become a certified Reiki practitioner.  Click here for the Body/Mind/Spirit Directory to find a Reiki practitioner near you.  Click here to join my Facebook community and for updates on natural healing and Reiki.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Reaffirm Your Affirmations

Affirmations are present-tense statements that confirm or verify reality. For some it's hard to accept that their world is created by their own thoughts and words. On conscious and sucbonscious levels, affirmations are working in our lives all the time. Scary, huh?

With the best of intentions, people everywhere craft lists of desired life changes in the form of affirmations. New Year's Day is probably the most common time for this ritual. Before long, these well-intended wants and dreams die an inglorious death as daily madness resumes its place in our consciousness. Positive affirmations, meditation and prayer give way to the hundreds, maybe thousands, of tasks that lay before us each day. Not to worry; here are a few ways to sustain your best intentions throughout the year and beyond.

Create account passwords that affirm.  How many times a day do you log into accounts on your computer?  Why not use the power of numbers to your advantage by creating user passwords that affirm your reality.  Some good ones may be Plenty0$in2011, MortgageFreeby2013, DebtFree4Ever, coaching150clients or 10999followers. Turn every mundane login into an empowering affirmation to support the reality you desire.

Keep affirmations in plain view. Nothing new here. But this trick often loses steam after months of looking at the same tattered note(s) taped to the bathroom mirror and refrigerator door. But with a bit of tweaking, this can become a very effective way to revive your affirmations. Use inexpensive business card stock to make affirmation cards. Keep them in a box or bowl or stack on your nightstand and before going to bed at night, grab one or two and put them on your iPad screen or tape one to the front of your iPod.  Tape one over the light switch in the kitchen or over the start button on the coffee maker. Put one inside or over the laces of your running shoes. Put one over your keyhole to your car or home. The point is to take a minute or so every night at bedtime to place one or two cards where they will be an obstruction, forcing you to touch, see and think about your affirmation the next morning.

Create electronic calendar alarms using your affirmations. Set them up on your Smart Phone and your desktop computers at work and at home. Each is a reminder to give thought and energy to the creation of the reality you crave.

I am affirming these tips are exactly what you need to create a better world for yourself and for everyone. And so it is.  Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Reiki for Menstrual Cramps

The medical term for menstrual cramps is dysmenorrhea.  The pain ranges from dull to debilitating in intensity, and leaves some women bedridden for a few days each month. The causes of abdominal cramps may vary, so it's important to seek a medical diagnosis if your monthly cramps are frequent and severe. Menstrual cramps may be felt in the lower abdomen, lower back and thigh areas.  Some women experience sudden perspiration, nausea, vomiting, a light-headed feeling and loose stools. This blogger believes every physical condition is a manifestation of something on a spiritual and emotional level. Internationally acclaimed spiritual teacher, Marianne Williamson, says a probable cause of menstrual problems may be rejection of one's femininity, guilt, fear, or a belief that the genitals are sinful or dirty.

According to the Mayo Clinic, menstrual cramps occur when the uterus contracts as it works to expel its lining.  During this process the body produces hormone-like substances called prostaglandins. Higher levels of prostaglandins trigger pain and inflammation and are associated with more severe menstrual cramps.

Because Reiki is pure energy, it works well with any medical treatment plan. It will not interfere with your doctor's orders and can be used safely and effectively while taking over-the-counter and prescription drugs.

A Reiki therapy session for the relief of menstrual cramps will bring relief. Some clients feel better within the first few minutes.  Reiki is equally effective whether performed in person (hands on) or from a distance. During the session I may, with the permission of the client, call upon Archangel Raphael and any of the client's ancestral and spiritual guides to assist in the healing. Body scanning and a pendulum may be used to identify energy blocks for my own information as a healer. I do not attempt to direct energy as it is completely intuitive and knows where to go and in what quantities for the highest good of the client. If guided to do so, I may channel green light energy with an intent to address the direct cause of the cramps.

Of the thousands of products available for the relief of menstrual cramps, my two favorites are Menstrual Cramp and Abdominal Oil by Dherbs and Queen Afua's Womens Life Formula VII.  I've used both with great results and I've been recommending them to clients for many years.

A healing exercise you can do for menstrual cramps is to lie comfortably with the palms of your hands on your abdomen.  Take slow, deep, rhythmic breaths.  Be aware of your breath and clear your mind. Imagine green light raining gently over your entire body.  Visualize healing energy flowing through your palms. Do this for 3-4 minutes with a clear mind.  You can follow with this affirmation by Marianne Williamson:  I accept my full power as a woman and accept all my bodily processes as normal and natural.  I love and approve of myself.

Feel free to comment on this post.  I am particularly interested in feedback on remedies recommended in this blog. As always, I wish you love, light and happy healing.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Reiki in the Courtroom

California's approximate 37,238,114 residents file nearly 1,400,000 lawsuits annually.  We are reputed to be one of the most litigious states in the country ... or perhaps the world!  A recent report by California Citizens Against Lawsuit Abuse (CALA) found that the fiscally ailing Los Angeles Unified School District spent almost $45,000,000 in litigation costs over the last three years. While Californians argue cases that are often frivolous and without merit, anger, frustration, stress and wasted taxpayer dollars continue to take their toll on our financial, mental and physical health.  With such staggering numbers, it stands to reason that if you live in California long enough, you will be sued.  It happened to me.

Being dragged to the courthouse on unfounded charges was frustrating and stressful. Never having been sued, I didn't know if I would be blessed with a reasonably fair judge who would look at the legal issue being presented, or someone who would react irrationally like the individuals who filed the suit.  While I am grateful for every life experience and the education it provides, this one was a doozy. Two trips to downtown Los Angeles (the first date was postponed), $30 for parking, wasted time, opportunity cost and the knowledge that lost tax dollars and time were unrecoverable. This was a time for Reiki and a keen focus on positive outcomes in the highest and best interest of everyone involved.

  • On the morning of my hearing and with an open and clear heart, I prayed/meditated asking that the day unfold for the greatest good of everyone involved, including the plaintiffs in my case.
  • I recited 108 repetitions of a Tara chant which frees us from 'everyday' dangers and from a narrow conception of the spiritual path, while leading us to a place of compassion.  (Click here for that chant and its meaning.)
  • I drew Cho Ku Rei in my doorway for protection from harm and spiritual guidance upon my exit from home.
  • Before speaking, I drew Sei Hei Ki in front of my face, that my words would take on an energy of love and healing before reaching the listeners' ears.
  • I exhaled and released (as much as humanly possible) attachment to the outcome of the day.
I felt immediate relief, thanks to the gift of Reiki to participate in my own healing. I was guided to temper my words with love and compassion, not fear and anger.  My comments were well-received by the judge and all charges against me were dismissed.  Add one more point to the scoreboard for Reiki, it is unadulterated universal life force energy, immune to manipulation by mere humans, and available for everyone's use.

If you live in or near Los Angeles and would like to experience Reiki firsthand or learn Reiki for healing of yourself, your situations and others, visit Reiki by Rhonda.

Click here to 'like' my Page on Facebook and become part of my wellness community.