Used alone, Reiki invites the positive flow of energy for healing and balance of mind, body and spirit. As positive energy moves through the body's systems, negative energy flows out. Aromatherapy works on the physical body using absorption of pure, therapeutic grade essential oils to kill bacteria and viruses and stimulate the immune system. Further, aromatherapy and Reiki shift vibrational frequencies of a body to levels in alignment with various aspects of expanded consciousness. Used together, Reiki and aromatherapy work together to amplify healing energies.
Guided by Archangels Gabriel and Raphael, I was blessed with a healing therapy that combines the spiritual healing of Reiki with the physically transforming energy of aromatherapy. It is called WU Healing Touch AromaReiki. This therapy is a healing session that begins with a powerful meditation requesting the aid of the client's guides and angels for the best outcome of the therapy. Reiki is then administered for 45 to 60 minutes using:
- Harth - to release guilt or other energies that may prevent complete love and acceptance of self.
- Sei He Ki - for emotional and mental healing, positive change and the release of harmful behaviors.
This Reiki session puts the recipient into an almost hypnotic state of deep relaxation. It clears, opens and balances the chakras. It positions the client's energy field to receive healing on all levels as it preps them for the next step, a 45 minute aromatherapy session.
Undressed from the waist up, the client receives a prescribed application of five to eight therapeutic grade essential oils. Special attention is paid to the heart chakra, as it governs the immune system. The oils are selected based on the client's specific healing objectives and their current state of health. The application of oils is performed in a specific order that works with Reiki to achieve:
- pain relief
- homeostasis
- physical detox
- energy healing
- Chakra balance
- deep relaxation
- emotional release
- stress management
- lymphatic movement
- immune enhancement
- inflammatory response
WU Healing Touch AromaReiki clients report some immediate pain relief, feeling free from worries and reduced stress. Recipients may experience Herxheimer's reaction as energetic and chemical toxins are released and processed out of the body.
Many Reiki practitioners are also aromatherapists and may have similar therapies available in your area. WU Healing Touch AromaReiki was developed by this blogger and is available exclusively at WU Wellness Loft in Los Angeles, California. To schedule an appointment call (323) 639-3674 or visit