Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Reiki & Aromatherapy

Allopathic or western medicine has a goal to cure diseases and repair injuries. Complementary and alternative therapies seek to support the natural process by which the body repairs or heals itself. Healing occurs when the body is able to optimally perform basic physical functions such as digestion, respiration, circulation, elimination and perspiration. It is through these functions that living beings convert food, liquids and air into life sustaining energy or ki. Energy is in constant motion as it enters the personal field through the auras and is distributed by the chakras and, ultimately, is returned to the universe. When the chakras, aura and physical body are in alignment, the result is excellent health, clear thinking and an enhanced ability to self heal. One method to achieve this vibrational state is through Reiki and aromatherapy.

Used alone, Reiki invites the positive flow of energy for healing and balance of mind, body and spirit. As positive energy moves through the body's systems, negative energy flows out. Aromatherapy works on the physical body using absorption of pure, therapeutic grade essential oils to kill bacteria and viruses and stimulate the immune system. Further, aromatherapy and Reiki shift vibrational frequencies of a body to levels in alignment with various aspects of expanded consciousness. Used together, Reiki and aromatherapy work together to amplify healing energies.

Guided by Archangels Gabriel and Raphael, I was blessed with a healing therapy that combines the spiritual healing of Reiki with the physically transforming energy of aromatherapy. It is called WU Healing Touch AromaReiki. This therapy is a healing session that begins with a powerful meditation requesting the aid of the client's guides and angels for the best outcome of the therapy. Reiki is then administered for 45 to 60 minutes using:

  • Harth - to release guilt or other energies that may prevent complete love and acceptance of self.
  • Sei He Ki - for emotional and mental healing, positive change and the release of harmful behaviors.
This Reiki session puts the recipient into an almost hypnotic state of deep relaxation. It clears, opens and balances the chakras. It positions the client's energy field to receive healing on all levels as it preps them for the next step, a 45 minute aromatherapy session.

Undressed from the waist up, the client receives a prescribed application of five to eight therapeutic grade essential oils. Special attention is paid to the heart chakra, as it governs the immune system. The oils are selected based on the client's specific healing objectives and their current state of health. The application of oils is performed in a specific order that works with Reiki to achieve:
  • pain relief
  • homeostasis
  • physical detox
  • energy healing
  • Chakra balance
  • deep relaxation
  • emotional release
  • stress management
  • lymphatic movement
  • immune enhancement
  • inflammatory response
WU Healing Touch AromaReiki clients report some immediate pain relief, feeling free from worries and reduced stress. Recipients may experience Herxheimer's reaction as energetic and chemical toxins are released and processed out of the body.

Many Reiki practitioners are also aromatherapists and may have similar therapies available in your area. WU Healing Touch AromaReiki was developed by this blogger and is available exclusively at WU Wellness Loft in Los Angeles, California. To schedule an appointment call (323) 639-3674 or visit

Friday, February 4, 2011

Reiki for Weight Loss

A Personal Testimonial

As a rule, I resist the use of Reiki to address specific conditions. I believe energy is omnicient and omnipotent and will go where it needs to go and do what it needs to do without my direction. I also know without a doubt that there is no single weight loss "program" that is right for everyone. While I still hold firmly to these beliefs, I have claimed 2011 as a year of releasing limitations and boundaries and embracing all possibilities for the highest and most healing good of my clients and myself.

A recent phone call from one of my Reiki II graduates prompted me to try Reiki for weight loss. She used a method we reviewed in class, but that I never personally attempted. She lost 20 pounds in a couple weeks (and she looks great) without changing her eating habits or exercising! With results like that, I had to try it. The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Reiki is energy and energy transforms matter. Just as it dissipates negativity and creates the free and open flow of positive energy, Reiki works to transform matter into energy ... even fat matter.  The 'how' is left to the universe.

Without planning or counting calories or subscribing to a 'diet,' here's how Weight Loss Reiki worked for me.

On January 5, I began a morning ritual of channeling Reiki energy to myself using the emotional healing symbol. I used a clear and simple affirmation; a modified version of one provided by Reiki Master Teacher Peggy Jentoft, "I release excess physical matter (fat) from my body and invite vibrant, life affirming light (energy) to assume its place."

The following week I heard India Holloway, a colon hydrotherapist, on the radio and was compelled to attend her introductory talk. I don't mean I made a decision to attend, I mean I was compelled.  I moved client appointments, arranged a sitter and kidnapped my significant other on a week night to hear this woman speak. There was no stopping me.

After hearing India speak, I scheduled an appointment with her on January 17, 2011 at the Life Well Institute in Culver City, CA. I lost two pounds during the procedure.

Ever the sharing spirit, India offers clients a 10% off coupon for a detox pack from Dr. Schulze's American Botanical Pharmacy in Marina del Rey, CA. I headed straight over to purchase my very reasonably priced 5-Day Bowel Detox pack. Mind you, I had no plans to detox immediately after a colonics. This was the universe responding to my requests. Dr. Schulze's is, hands down, the easiest, most forgiving, most accommodating bowel detox program ever! It worked without restrictive dietary demands and without chaining me to the bathroom. I tell you people, the experience was drama free!

I last weighed myself on January 23, 2011 and had lost 7 lbs. Because I am more focused on wellness than weight, I have decided not to weigh myself again until February 23rd, 2011.

Using Reiki and an intent to release excess weight, my vibrational frequency shifted into alignment with:

  • dietary modifications that support healthy living and weight loss
  • a desire to exercise daily at a level that is comfortable for me
  • therapies and systems that support healthy living and weight loss, and that fit into my life with little effort
  • resuming a vegetarian lifestyle after nearly 15 years
  • liberation from food addictions like flour and processed sugar
So, while my student changed nothing in her life and achieved desired results, I found myself fluidly guided to make choices that lead to my desired result with little effort. As always, the universe spoke to each of us in a language consistent with our respective sensibilities. Therefore, I am ecstatic to report that Reiki did, can and does work for weight loss!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Stress Kills. Reiki Heals.

The body's reaction to stress is called General Adaptation Syndrome or GAS. Sometimes referred to as "fight or flight," GAS begins when we feel an immediate threat to life. In the wild, the stress of being hunted initiates GAS in animals. They release adrenaline, muscles become tense, heavy breathing and a rapid heartbeat follow as they bolt into action, literally running for their lives. When there is no longer an immediate threat to life, stress reactors shut down, the heart rate slows, the body stops producing high levels of adrenaline and breathing becomes normal. This is key to survival in the animal kingdom. In humans, GAS is initiated in much the same way when we experience stress. The brain initiates 1400 different responses to stress including a release of adrenaline, tensing of muscles, rapid breathing, a tightening of the stomach and increased perspiration. Unlike animals, our stress reactors do not always shut down and they get revved up often as presence of stress in humans is not always tied to life threatening situations. Traffic, relationships, pet peeves and trivial frustrations can trigger stress reactors in humans. We sometimes think of something that made us angry and trigger a quickening of the heart as we revisit the incident in our minds. Our ability to think and reason and remember can hurl us into prolonged GAS again and again and again. So even though the near miss accident is over and we are now safe from immediate harm, our anger at the other driver and retelling of the story can lengthen the duration of stress reactors, causing permanent damage to our bodies.

In humans, GAS occurs in three stages, alarm reaction during which we prepare to do battle (fight) or escape (flight). This is an involuntary physical response to danger which dissipates once we perceive the source of stress is removed.

The second stage of GAS is called resistance or adaptation. It occurs when the source of stress is not removed and the body's defense mechanisms remain 'on' for an extended period of time. During this stage, we produce high levels of hormones that cause blood pressure and blood sugar levels to rise in order to sustain energy. If we remain in resistance stage for too long, we experience fatigue, irritability and an inability to concentrate. The body's defenses become overused as we move into the third stage of GAS, exhaustion.

In the exhaustion stage of GAS, the body has used up its reserve of energy and immunity. Blood sugar levels fall and stress tolerance is greatly reduced. Mind and body become exhausted resulting in decreased stress tolerance, illness and collapse. Prolonged stress and exhaustion can lead to heart attack, cancer, insomnia, ulcers, asthma, depression and death.

While we cannot eliminate stress completely, it is possible to shorten GAS by creating periods of rest and relaxation to counterbalance stress responses. You guessed it...REIKI!

During a Reiki session you have the opportunity to suspend and release negative thoughts, feelings and stress factors. The practitioner solicits help from ki to work toward your highest and greatest good. All the forces in the universe work to bring you calm, peace, healing and clarity. As the Reiki practitioner channels universal positive energy, negativity gives way to light and perfect love of self and others. Reiki is a solid hour of stress relief that empowers your mind, body and spirit to heal from the negative effects of prolonged General Adaptation Syndrome. For that time you are perfectly comfortable and safe from harm. Many have said they experience deeper relaxation during Reiki than during a regular night's sleep.  You will emerge feeling rested, fresh and crystal clear in your thinking. And all you have to do is be still and receive.

If you would like to assign a 'value' to your stress level, here is an Online Life Stressor Chart. Answer the questions and click the Check button at the bottom to get a general idea of your stress level.

Seek a Reiki practitioner in  your area that resonates with you on a soul level, or contact someone who is skilled at Distance Reiki. If it's your first time, ask for referrals and don't be shy about interviewing the practitioner before scheduling your appointment. For best results, start with three Reiki sessions approximately two weeks apart. After your initial three, discuss your results and further needs with your practitioner. The amazing healers below are available for hands-on and distance Reiki and they come with my uninhibited recommendation.

Remember, stress kills and Reiki heals. Happy healing, dear hearts.